Club Car 3 beeps and stop. HELLLLPpp needed!!!


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  • Club Car 3 beeps and stop. HELLLLPpp needed!!!

    Newbie for sure. Just entered this under Newbie forum then found Club Car Electric. So here it is again.

    Have my 80+ In-Laws 03 or 04 Club Car 48V to sell. Was going ok but a prob started. Driving along and it beeps 3 times and stops going. Starts again soon after stopping. Found threads here that seemed to indicate the solenoid was going out. Seemed easy enough. Bought a new one and installed it. Now it does nothing. Opps...

    I was careful to connect all the wires as they were. One possible exception, the one that goes between the 2 big posts on the solenoid. It has something midway in the wire, resistor maybe. I'm not sure I put it in the same as it was. Could be backwards. Didn't replace it. How do I tell which way it goes? Could I have fried it if put in backwards?

    If not the resistor what could I have done wrong and how do I fix it?

    May have to rent a trailer to haul it in for repair. Gotta get it fixed and sold for the old folks.
    Updated by Pat M; March 18, 2016, 06:19 PM.

  • #2
    If your cart is equipped with one, the speed sensor helps the cart understand when its moving by sending signals to the controller. When the sensor is bad, cracked, or has damaged wiring, the cart might slow down unexpectedly, stop, or even beep as a warning which aligns with the behavior you’re describing. A failing speed sensor basically interrupts the controller’s ability to properly understand the motor’s movement, often causing it to cut power temporarily.

    That said, a good first step is to grab a digital voltmeter with alligator clips, so you can monitor the pack voltage under load while driving. Attach the DVM leads to the battery pack main terminals with the alligator clips to get a steady reading and keep an eye on the voltage as you accelerate and drive. Take note of any significant voltage drops, especially when the cart starts beeping or losing power. If the pack voltage drops too low during load, that could indicate a battery issue instead of, or in addition to, a speed sensor issue if equipped. Once you have those voltage readings, write down and post your results here, and we can help analyze how they might relate to the problem you’re experiencing.


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