05 club cart and lights went out?


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  • 05 club cart and lights went out?

    I have a 05 club cart with aftermarket lights and a voltage reducer, I got on it tonight and all of a sudden the lights don't work and I cannot get them to work, any suggestions as to where to start folks since I am new to this?
    Thank you all

  • #2
    I installed lights that stopped working after they were on for 2 minutes. Then they worked after a 1 minute pause, but only for 1 minute. The on interval was getting shorter and shorter. A quick check with my meter found the circuit breaker was bad. I replaced it with a fuse and the lights are fine.

    Start with your coonections. Wiggle the connectors and see if that helps. Then get the meter out and check for 12volts at the fuse and switch. You can keep troubleshooting until you come to the problem.
    I hope this helps.


    • #3
      Thank you and i will do that, will check fuses first and go from there.


      • #4
        I have one more question if you can help, i've got a voltage reducer on it and when i keep trying to replace the fuse coming out of it it keeps blowing, i would guess a bare wire touching the frame or something like that, what would your opinion be on this?


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