48V Battery Voltage During Charging


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  • 48V Battery Voltage During Charging

    Anybody ever measure their batt voltage while the charger is charging? The gauge on the front of my charger usually goes up to about 10A then drops as the batteries charge up. I measured with my Fluke meter and it read about 60V across all the batteries during charging. After the charger has finished and shut off I typically read about 52v right after the charger shuts off. Overnight it will drop to 51v.

    Batteries and charger are working fine, typically I read just under 8.5v after charging per batt. Currently running Trojan batteries that are at least five years old.

  • #2
    Posted earlier by relentless
    Anybody ever measure their batt voltage while the charger is charging? The gauge on the front of my charger usually goes up to about 10A then drops as the batteries charge up. I measured with my Fluke meter and it read about 60V across all the batteries during charging. After the charger has finished and shut off I typically read about 52v right after the charger shuts off. Overnight it will drop to 51v.

    Batteries and charger are working fine, typically I read just under 8.5v after charging per batt. Currently running Trojan batteries that are at least five years old.
    Completely normal. During the equalization cycle toward the end of the charge cycle the pack can read 58v to 63v.
    2005 CC Precedent


    • #3
      I agree with erict on this.Just went thru it myself, but had 4) 12 volts batteries


      • #4
        I should have said I read about 54v right after charging (just verified today).


        • #5
          if it reads 54 after charging, that is good. whe it settles down it will read arounf 50-51


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