Clipart, or decals wanted.


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  • Clipart, or decals wanted.

    Ok, the theme of my cart is "NASCART". I have a CCDS.

    I found a cart that has chrome headlights and taillights.

    I snapped some detailed photos (I'll put those up in the morning) with measurements as needed. I emailed them off to a local graphics shop.
    They told me that they can't do much with the photos unless they were clipart.

    Does anyone here know of a graphics shop that has done work of this sort??

    Or are there any sites or links anyone can provide to help me, or the graphics shop fill my request??

  • #2
    what exactly are you trying to do here make some sort of sticker a one time thing or a run. and you want it to look like the picture ?? post the picture.
    Updated by gaminde; July 13, 2012, 03:22 PM.


    • #3
      Yeah, the decals would be a one-time thing. Think like how the graphics packages are done for the stock cars with the headlights and taillights.

      Loading pics from my phone is a pain, but I did it!

      Now that I look carefully at the photos, it looks like I should hold the camera more square to the light as opposed to slightly at an angle.
      Attached Files:
      Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
      Updated by timflury; July 13, 2012, 08:36 PM.


      • #4
        so you want to print decals of lights and paste this on your cart???


        • #5
          Play with this and a second one is on its way

          Well, this is Clipart of sorts anyway....and my way of doing it. I'm sure there are better ways

          Using Word 97 and Paint

          How to convert a picture into “clipart"

          Select a picture, then copy picture.

          Paste pic into Word Document.

          Left click picture to select it, then right click it and choose Format Picture. Under the Picture Tab, look for Color and change it to Black and White. Then click Okay.

          Left click picture again to Select it, then right click and choose Cut. Open Paint. Select Edit and paste pic there.
          Using the cut tool in Paint, cut (Control X) out the main part of the pic you want to keep. Still in Paint Program, Go to File New – A box will open that says Save Changes to Untitled – Click NO. Then Choose Edit/Paste. If you’re happy with the picture, save it as a .jpeg, or paste it back into Word. It’s ready to use. Should you need to change the size again, you can do that in Word.


          • #6
            GetaGrrrip--If you still have the original .jpeg file, open it in Irfanview, click Image on the Menubar and choose "Convert to Greyscale". That should do it. Save the new b&w image with another name (but still as a .jpeg file) so you will not overwrite but can access the original one if you want to do anything else.


            • #7


              • #8
                Well, after studying my headlight photos closely, I need to get back and take more direct images straight on and not too high like you see.

                Dwon5 sent me a link of a shop he uses for his decals. Might be worth a shot.


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