'07 48v Precendent


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  • '07 48v Precendent

    Alright guys,

    A neighbor at our campground had a 48v Precedent and he asked me to check out a few things for him.

    He wanted to top off the water, but after looking down each cell, I recommended he not cuz the water levels were ok.

    I checked each battery at the posts and at each cable connection looking for and voltage drops, there were none. Three batteries read more than 13.3 volts, one was around 12.7.

    He claims that the batteries are less than two years old, but I'm afraid the seller lied to him. They do look like 5yo batteries. (CC branded Trojans.)

    He claims after he takes his family for a spin, he barely makes it back to his site. When he is not at the campground, he leaves his cart plugged in to the charger. I recommended against this. Am i right?? I never leave my cart plugged in when I'm not there.

    I'm guessing that there is an electronic controller of some type on this cart. Are there any tweaks we can do to the cart at the campsite without the use of any special tools??

    I might have to take a 12v charger next time I go and charge the low battery by itself and see if the voltage comes up. He did mention that the cart did sit for a year, or so before he bought it. I will also recommend to him that he replace the cables.

  • #2
    Batteries have date code on terminal. Letter for month and number for year
    a= Jan b= Feb
    put meter on pack drive it note voltage then do this for each battery you will find one or more bad batteries


    • #3
      can you measure the voltage under load? That will help you determine if it is the batteries or not. I know there's smarter people than I am that will help answer your questions though. If not I'll respond later.


      • #4
        Stay tuned guys,,,, I'll be out at the campground this coming weekend. I'll ask my neighbor if he's done anything to his cart yet and we'll hopefully do a load test on each battery, and work from there.

        I'll also look for date codes.


        • #5
          If it sat for a year and the batteries discharged, they're probably shot. How far was his "spin"?


          • #6
            Ok Tim weekend is over what happened???????????????????????????????????


            • #7
              The owner wasn't there. Looks like I might have to make ya'll wait until the weekend before the 4th of July.

              His last ride was just down to the lake and back, about 1/4-3/8 mile one way. I'll catch up with him and see if he broke down and bought new batteries.


              • #8
                If it sat for a year, the batteries are probably bad. There are web sites that sell a magic powder that they claim will de-sulfate old or neglected batteries. It is a rip off. The magic powder is EPSON SALTS and nothing more!!! If you want to give it a try, dissolve 3 tablespoons of regular epson salts in a 1 gal of water. Put about 5 ounces of the liquid in each cell and charge overnight. I warn people that newer chargers have expensive boards inside, and the OBC on Club Cars do NOT like lightening. I'm with you. If I'm not there, unplug it1


                • #9
                  Sorry for the unclimactic ending guys,,,,,,,

                  The owner went ahead and bought new batteries.


                  • #10
                    Posted earlier by timflury
                    :The owner went ahead and bought new batteries.
                    good choice, hope it worked!


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