Urethane Bushing Question


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  • Urethane Bushing Question


    About to begin the front suspension rebuilds. When reassembling the front suspension, is it OK to oil the new urethane bushings for ease of assembly? Or should they be put in dry?


    EDIT: I guess the better question is what type of grease is best to use with urethane bushings?
    Updated by Wildwilly101; November 29, 2011, 11:14 AM.

  • #2
    Dry install is tougher and may leave your suspension creaking.
    Napa sells bushing grease that should aid installation and keep your bushings from squeaking afterwards.
    You can also use a silicone dielectric grease but it is lighter weight and will wash off over a quicker time.
    Hint: Use disposable gloves for this because it's tough to wash off.


    • #3
      ditto on the silicone. i couldn't have finished the install without it.

      my bushings had been missing for quite some time resulting in corrosion and buildup in the bushings holes. cleaning and removing any deformed metal around and in the openings was required for them to seat properly.


      • #4

        Thanks for all the info. My front end is now completely rebuilt. I had to use a .750 reamer on the new king pin bushings to get the new king pins in. The old king pins and bronze bushings were totally shot, but now with new shocks and all new bushings & Kpins it is very nice. Next step is a dash cover, and new front bumper...

        Thanks All


        • #5
          That's. Great wildwillie there's no play in the front end at all now??


          • #6

            No play in the front end at all. just like a new one again. I just finished checking the alignment, camber & toe in. All are in spec. I'm glad my son had the .750 reamer, The new bronze king pin bushings fit just fine before I pressed them into the steering knuckle. They tightened up quite a bit after they were pressed in though. There was no way the pins would go in without reaming them out. The reamer took out quite a bit of material actually. The pins fit sooooo nice afterwards though, no play with smooth operation. I'm pretty happy with the results.... Now on to the next project...


            • #7
              What bumper are you going with?? What dash cover?


              • #8

                We wanted the black dash cover with the two locking compartments and I was only able to find it in black on a site called Golf Cart King (I believe that's the name). I'm still figuring out which bumper to go with.


                • #9
                  Just about every vendor out there, that sells these items carry it in 4 options. Black ABS plastic, carbon fiber, Burl wood or titanium.

                  Anywho, what look are you going for? You wanting it for versatility of simply a cosmetic add-on? There is sleek, big and tough, simple, pre-runner style. Your options are endless. You can get it black, stainless, polished stainless, etc. The sky is the limit when it comes to modifying buggies. We are more than happy to HELP you make a decision, but remember in the end it's your cart, your decision and you will be the one looking at it everyday. So the choice is yours. Hope this helps



                  • #10
                    Who sells real urethane bushings. Most are soft rubber.


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