2000 48 club car Interested in using an inverter for aux power to house when power is out .Any input as to type and wiring? Thanks, Dave
Inverter for Aux Power
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to GCF Dave!
I have a 2500w inverter on my boat and it is powered by 6x6v GC batteries.
Unfortunately inverters usually work at 12v to produce 110v power. Golf carts are a series power of 36v or 48v depending on the cart so without disconnecting and recabling your batteries each time you wanted to use an inverter for your house, it is generally impractical.
The other things you would need to consider is that at 12v the inverter draws approximately 10 times the amperage that the 110v appliance would. Eg: A 1500w hair dryer/blower draws about 14 amps at 110v and 140 amps at 12v.
Powering a simple appliance like this would deplete a 6x6v battery bank in about 1 hour.
If you are truly looking for a solution to power your house during power outages I would suggest you use a generator. A little reasearch on that would give you the size you need.
Thanks,I have done research and currently have a 7kw genny. The issue is a I already have found a number of 48 vdc to 120 vac inverters.
My question and answer will haveto come with a schematic or a simple harness to harness the 48 Vdc potential. This with a weather tight connector would provide for a superb short term power supply.
If you have found a 48v inverter, the solution is simple as the cart already has 48v and a simple plug in connector with the ability to handle the amperage should do the job. I don't think it would even need to be waterproof as long as the cart/inverter remain covered.
Check the rating of one of your batteries and that will give you the AH rating and available power. I'm guessing it will be in the neighborhood of 120AH-150AH which is still only about a hour of power for a 1500w draw.
I am thinking of the same idea. I've found a good looking 3000 W 48 V inverter, the Outback model FX3048T, but it is very pricey. I'm impressed with the sealed construction for use on a cart, and the quality of the electrical specifications. See http://www.outbackpower.com/products...rter/off_grid/
As for the connections to the battery, they need to carry very high current with little voltage drop. This means using a heavy wire gauge: 1/0 is recommended (about 3/8" diameter bare conductor size) for this inverter.
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