Club car IQ runs slow


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  • Club car IQ runs slow

    Hello everyone! I look at this site pretty frequent, but first time needing some help. I have a club car IQ that the plug from the controller(3 wire plug) to the end of the motor came unplugged. I plugged it back up and now my cart runs slow ~ 5-7 mph. Any Suggestions?

  • #2
    I would check all the electrical connections from the batteries, to the motor, to where everything came unplugged. Go over with a wiring diagram, and look for broken connections and wires. If it all looks dandy I would check the MCOR next (where the accelerator lines connect to)


    • #3
      Adding to the above:
      1) Double check your battery connections, 1 loose/corroded connection will slow your cart.
      2) Confirm all your batteries are charged, post up the individual voltages.
      3) Put the cart in the tow mode let it rest then place back in the run mode.
      4) Check for loose wires on the MCOR and speed sensor.
      If you need more info on how to check, I have more info.


      • #4
        Please do let me know how to check MCOR and speed sensor. I will check everything that was suggested in mean time. Thanks.


        • #5
          Unplug it and let us know what happens


          • #6
            My apologies, I didn't read your post completely at the beginning so I just shot off some stuff and posted. It sounds like it is just speed sensor oriented.
            I agree with gaminde, try unplugging and see if it changes anything.
            The cart will run slow if the speed sensor is not seated properly or the wires could have broken internally or come away from the connector.
            Updated by dougmcp; August 16, 2011, 07:52 PM.


            • #7
              Take it back dougmcp I thought you were spot on. Plugging in the speed sensor should not slow it down. If you don't take it back now you may have to retype it.


              • #8
                Thanks! I will check tomorrow and see how things work out. I will let y'all know how things stand after checking what was suggested.


                • #9
                  Posted earlier by gaminde
                  Take it back dougmcp I thought you were spot on. Plugging in the speed sensor should not slow it down. If you don't take it back now you may have to retype it.
                  Thanks G!
                  He said the speed sensor came unplugged and that would put the cart in a limp mode won't it?
                  Should I be paying closer attention to what is written and what I write? j/k.


                  • #10
                    Ok dougmcp that makes 4 reads and something different each time,
                    I have two reads and I think it was unplugged and he plugged it in and now it goes slow it should be goes slow when unplugged

                    I will get my kids to read it to me

                    anyhow unplug it and tell me if it changes or not.


                    • #11
                      I was just thinking if the speed sensor came unplugged he could have broken some wires or dislodged the magnet which would leave the cart in the limp mode regardless if he plugged it back in or not.


                      • #12
                        Posted earlier by dougmcp
                        I was just thinking if the speed sensor came unplugged he could have broken some wires or dislodged the magnet which would leave the cart in the limp mode regardless if he plugged it back in or not.
                        But it sounded like it got slow after plugging it in so I'm a little confused and wanted to start over.

                        Nbirt does your meter have a frequency function? ??


                        • #13
                          OK sorry it took so long to get back. Batteries and connections are good. I did unplug it and it runs the same as plugged in. I checked the plug and prongs were not making good connection, so I tried to fix plug to make better connection. When I hook it up and try running it again it goes faster for a few seconds and then slows back down to a slower speed. Could speed sensor make this happen?


                          • #14
                            yes this is what it does I have a test procedure posted and also how to repair posted should cost about $7.50 or you can buy a new one for $75 to $150


                            • #15
                              OH and that was the longest tomorrow


                              • #16
                                Yea u know that's right. I caught up working on other carts and work. And also scratching my head on this 81 club car that's wooping my butt! Sorry my tomorrow's are sometimes long replying. Thanks!

                                By the way where can I find that post about how to fix the sensor.
                                Updated by nbirt; August 24, 2011, 09:15 PM.


                                • #17
                                  Posted earlier by gaminde
                                  OH and that was the longest tomorrow
                                  He said tomorrow, but he didn't say which tomorrow.

                                  Dont worry, he will let us know the resolution tomorrow aswell...................


                                  • #18
                                    He said tomorrow, but he didn't say which tomorrow.

                                    Matti: now that there is funny
                                    had no idea you had a sense of humor!!!


                                    • #19
                                      if you need help finding the test papers let me know, Ill be lurking if you need more help.


                                      • #20
                                        Posted earlier by gaminde
                                        He said tomorrow, but he didn't say which tomorrow.

                                        Matti: now that there is funny
                                        had no idea you had a sense of humor!!!


                                        • #21
                                          OK it's my next tomorrow! New speed sensor worked. Y'all are the best. I will start consulting with yall when I have any more problems!!!!!!! Thanks
                                          P.S. I might talk to yall tomorrow---LOL


                                          • #22
                                            Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Nice fix nbirt!
                                            And thanks for posting the fix so others may learn as well.


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