the cart was covered in water up to the top of the seat, and now it does not want to work. the buzzer works and the batteries are charged. Where do i start?
cart floods
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Ridengolf: The controller almost always breaks beyond repair once held under water. This you will have to purchase.
Disco: this is going to be a timely process. The first (and most expensive) thing you may want to start with is the motor. Remove it and check for rust, clean it and test it.
Once you do this get back to us.
Posted earlier by RideNGolfyou're gunna wanna go through all the electronics. Mainly the controller and solenoid. With the right experience you can probably get away with out replacing anything. hope this helps!
Posted earlier by bentaxle49I accidentally drove my cart into a local lake, I swear it snuck up on me!! Luckly I just got the motor wet, yes I had to purh it all the way back home... but after the motor was cleaned up a bit it ran like a clock!
bent... your crazy cart can take any abuse! I create 500 dollars worth of damage by just sitting on the cart :cool:
if the batteries were under water and you got any comtaminated dirty water in batteries its possible it will ruin the batteries this is something you won,t notice right away but be ready for it............depending on battery brand like trogens the fill holes are almost water tight but can,t guarentee it..............i would get a good compressor and blow out everything i could with it and if you can crack the motor from the housing about 1/2 inch ( might not have to take motor out completely ) and blow in there and see how much water comes out .......if its a lot take motor all the way out if its a small amount blow it out and let it sit like that for a day or the end the cart may have to just sit and dry out before it will run again, i know guys who wash their carts and when they are done cart has to sit a few days before it will run again......this might take you some time.....................Tom
if i didn,t like them so much i wouldn,t touch them...........
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