WTB 90-92 Yamaha Sun Classic body parts


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  • WTB 90-92 Yamaha Sun Classic body parts

    Hey everyone I'm new to golf carts. I know this is a long shot. But I'd really like to find some body parts I need to restore my 90-92 Yamaha Sun Classic G5E.

    Parts I need are
    Good/trunk lid
    Front turn signal assemblies
    Front bumper
    Passenger side side skirt
    Passenger side tail light assembly
    Rear plastic post's that runs from the body up to the roof.

    I know these are rare carts. Witch is why I'm wanting to restore mine. Thanks for any information on leads to where I can possibly get parts. I have searched all over online and can't seem to find anything.

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  • #2
    I may be able to help you with some f the parts you are looking for. I just purchased a 95 that I am working on,and have another for parts.


    • #3
      Check your pms


      • #4
        this cart is on its way from California as of today. Although I am going to be using some of the smaller parts any of the ones you need are on it. Contact me if interested..
        Updated by Oldnfuelish; April 17, 2023, 12:35 PM. Reason: To add pictures


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