New & Used parts


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  • New & Used parts

    If your looking for new and used parts I have both. I have new parts and older parts for C/C and EZGO's. I can get anything you want at a good price. Check with me before you buy.
    This is a hobby for me so I'm not out to get rich off of you!

  • #2
    Do you still have the Stanley charger or are they still available?


    • #3
      I sold it. The guy liked it better than me. As far as I know you can still buy them. I wasn't that impressed with it after I used it. It was OK but it's like those auto battery charger you buy at Wal Mart. They don't tell you anything.It's either running are not.


      • #4
        I need a cheap 48v charger to do some maintenance issue on my own batteries.
        I wonder if I can find a Club Car charger that might work. I don't need it to shut off just charge and get up to the finishing voltage of 60v+ so I can equalize my batteries.
        I'll have to look into the wiring diagrams of those chargers to see if they will work


        • #5
          I don't think you will get them that high. My memory isn't the best but I don't think they would go that high.


          • #6
            Looking for a 36v marathon charger if you have one.


            • #7
              When you say marothone charger you talking a pacific charger you want. All of mine use the SB connections on them. I buy mine off craigslist most of the time. I have several.
              I have a 36 volt Delta Q charger.

              The picture is of the 72 volt Delta Q. 36 is just like it.

              I have a 36 volt maintance charger that Walmart uses to push the buggies around with. It's 21 amps. I make adapters for what ever cart I have.


              • #8
                Here is what I have but this one is closer to you.

                $30.00 I'd buy it. I'll call him in the morning! Shipping will still be under $100.00

                Just thought I'd throw this in.


                • #9
                  thanks Andy, i'll keep that in mind when i need parts


                  • #10
                    Do you have an EZGO 350cc engine? I don't need the clutch, exhaust and carburetor. Just the engine.


                    • #11
                      Don't mess with gas stuff much. But no I don't have any motors. Sorry.


                      • #12
                        Do you have a controller for a 91 EZGO three wheeler?


                        • #13

                          hi: looking for drive clutch 1973 ezgo robin engine by fugi 175 cc shaft is 7/8 inch. about 4 inches long keyed but not tapered.gregor
                          Updated by gregor; September 17, 2012, 02:21 PM. Reason: wrong shaft size


                          • #14
                            How about the wiring off a pds cart from the switch to the controller? Im converting one to pds. From series


                            • #15
                              hi: looking for a comet drive for 1973 ezgo.It has a robin 175cc import from japan. straigt 3/4 inch keyed shaft about 4 inches long.Coult change gas engine but this one i found at estate sale with zero hours. stll had factory plugs in exhaust and spark plug.Could convert to chain drive but comet clutch would be simpler. please reply to (gregor}


                              • #16
                                Hi I have a 2001 medalist and I need a pedal assembly, the cart i got in trade as it turns out didn't have any of the guts inside.


                                • #17
                                  r u still selling used parts? last post was 2012


                                  • #18
                                    I'm looking for a Curtis 1206 SX-005 controller for a '94 E-Z Go DCS cart. I'm also looking for an ignition coil for a 2015 Club Car Precedent with the Subaru EX40 engine in it. Would you happen to know where to get either one of these parts?


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