custom built club car ds 36 volt golf cart, new Caterpillar themed paint job, it has a lighting switchable 2 speed motor. the system is made by Electrical Motor Products, Inc. ( ) You can climb hills and go fast with the 2-speed Switchable Lightning motor. there is a low-speed mode when ultimate torque is needed and a high-speed mode for flat surface driving. the Switchable Lightning Redesign is an all in one motor. A switch has been installed to shift "on the fly" while driving the cart. the cart has new batteries, all new 2 gauge battery cables, all the wiring is new, digital volt meter, Legend on-board built in 36 volt charger, new head lights and tail lights, sport windshield, new seats front and rear, rear flip flop seat that you can change between rear facing seats or pick up type bed, new 6 inch lift kit by Jake's. new 2500 lb wireless remote controlled winch, new sport SS rims with 22x11x10 tires, heavy duty rear suspension, new king pins and bushings, it can achieve top speeds of 25/26 mph in the speed mode or 17/18 mph in the torque mode. the cart runs great. $3,700 OBO. LOCAL PUT UP ONLY. finished building this 7/1 2014
Caterpillar themed custom built club car ds 36 volt golf cart
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Caterpillar themed custom built club car ds 36 volt golf cart
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This gallery has 6 photos.Updated by dwon5; July 14, 2014, 08:19 PM.IF WE CAN'T HELP OTHERS THEN WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE WE
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