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  • If!!!

    If I get the Green/Black cart sold pretty quickly.

    I plan to do a make over on this.

    I will lift it and use these wheels.

    I will be converting it over to a 72 volt's with Alltrax controller. I will buy a new SPM controller for the Monster cart and put the old Alltrax in the wrecker. I have a couple of lift axles and I have the back lift also. I just need time to get it done. Will have it painted with a custom paint job to boot.
    I have the ITS system all ready just been waiting on the right time. Well I think it's time. I may even have it ready for the CAW ride in July, I highly doubt it but you never know!
    Updated by andy4639; May 5, 2012, 09:10 PM.

  • #2
    In case you did not notice There is a little dog peeing in your bushes


    • #3
      Yes I know, no matter what i do he just stands there and stares at me. I have sprayed him with the water hose I don't know how many times. He doesn't try to bit me thoe so I don't mind.


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