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  • Modifications??

    87 ezgo gasser 2 stroke. They offer our anyone changed anything on the engines?? Thinking also the clutch might be warn out as well. Takes alot of rpms to get it rolling.
    Free so don't mine throwing alittle but if money at the old girl lol.

    Thank you

  • #2

    Try replacing the belt first, check to make sure brakes are not hanging up


    • #3
      OK I'll try that and see. Thank you


      • #4


        • #5
          Update!! I replaced both belts and doesn't seem the same. Something just doesn't seem right to me


          • #6
            Posted earlier by Lumpy007
            Update!! I replaced both belts and doesn't seem the same. Something just doesn't seem right to me
            It sounds like your engine is running well if it’s needing high RPMs to get the cart rolling which is a good sign that the engine itself isn’t the issue.

            One thing to check would be the rear axle hubs for a stripped hub, a common problem for that year. To check for this you’ll want to remove the dust cap located in the center of each rear hub (it’s labeled item number 108 in the parts diagram). Then, with someone else running the cart as usual, observe the center axle bolt on each side. If the axle bolt is spinning but the cart isn’t moving, that’s a clear sign the hub is stripped, and replacing it should solve your problem.​

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            Updated by Michael Eddie; September 24, 2024, 01:17 PM.


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