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Is a Club Cart pid # EG0342-339045, a 2003 or 2004? 2003 correct?
I'd like to get the technician or service manual for it,
I have one title "Club Car 2004 Maintenance Service Manual, Owners Manual, and 2004-2005 Turf/Carryall Illustrated Parts List" pdf files.
If mine is a 2003, anybody have those books? Are those the only repair tech, or other books for this?
We have been having battery charging issues for a while, I never got around to check it but now the starter/gen burnt out on a terminal. I purchased a new one, and it's on the way, so I'm just looking to check over any other wires, and verify everything else before connecting the new one. A few people before me have been in this cart cutting wires, or moving stuff, so it's going to be an adventure.
How do I check the rev. limiter is functioning, I think somebody felt it had an issue and tried to bypass it, or cut wires?
I'm thinking I need to add RPM gauge and Voltage Gauge to help monitor these issues.
While it did work, we have mainly had a issue with the startup having a pause to kick over the clutch flywheel, and slow to startup the engine. I'll describe it better after the starter install and is rolling again.
Any other tips or tricks, or suggested mods to get this cart running better are much appreciated.
Is a Club Cart pid # EG0342-339045, a 2003 or 2004? 2003 correct?
I'd like to get the technician or service manual for it,
I have one title "Club Car 2004 Maintenance Service Manual, Owners Manual, and 2004-2005 Turf/Carryall Illustrated Parts List" pdf files.
If mine is a 2003, anybody have those books? Are those the only repair tech, or other books for this?
We have been having battery charging issues for a while, I never got around to check it but now the starter/gen burnt out on a terminal. I purchased a new one, and it's on the way, so I'm just looking to check over any other wires, and verify everything else before connecting the new one. A few people before me have been in this cart cutting wires, or moving stuff, so it's going to be an adventure.
How do I check the rev. limiter is functioning, I think somebody felt it had an issue and tried to bypass it, or cut wires?
I'm thinking I need to add RPM gauge and Voltage Gauge to help monitor these issues.
While it did work, we have mainly had a issue with the startup having a pause to kick over the clutch flywheel, and slow to startup the engine. I'll describe it better after the starter install and is rolling again.
Any other tips or tricks, or suggested mods to get this cart running better are much appreciated.