Does anyone know how to change the rear end oil if so help me!!! I also welcome any suggestions on where to look for step by step instructions.
1992 yamaha g8e electric
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Owners manual - SAE 90 gear oil.
Rear transaxle has a cover, loosen cover bolts and gently pry cover away from transaxle housing. Place a catch pan under cover for oil to drain into. Remove bolts and cover. Clean cover and mating surface on transaxle, apply gasket maker/RTV (I like the Permatex brand) and reinstall cover and bolts. Remove fill plug and fill with SAE 90 gear oil until gear oil starts to drain from fill hole. Wait until it stops draining from fill hole and install fill plug. Your done!
Hope this helps...Updated by wthompson; November 16, 2013, 12:25 PM.
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