88 runs then cuts out


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  • 88 runs then cuts out

    I recently purchased an 88 2 cycle ezgo that will fire straight away, run for 15-20 seconds then just die.
    I have put in a new fuel pump, a new carby kit with float level adjusted correctly. All new fuel lines and dip tube, I have removed the engine to clean and adjust pulse coil as per the book. I have good spark even when i check it straight after it dies.
    I have removed the exhaust to eliminate blockage but problem persists.
    I have cleaned and checked reed valves.
    The engine is turning in the right rotation.
    Compression is 125
    Have changed the plug (twice)
    I dont have much hair but i am tearing out whats left over this supposedly simple engine.

  • #2
    Sounds like the fuel is being drawn out of the float bowl faster than being pumped in. Make sure the needle and seat are not partially plugged or not sticking. Have also seen a small blockage in the main jet do the same thing. Make sure there is good flow thru the needle and seat and the main jet is clean.


    • #3
      Thanks Larry. turned out to be a faulty coil. Cart runs great apart from a rattle in the back end i cant quite pin down.


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