2006 Club Car Precedent speed issue


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  • 2006 Club Car Precedent speed issue

    I just recently purchased a 2006 Club Car Precedent with the knowledge the battery would need to be replaced and priced it accordingly. However, 1 week after purchase the top speed went from 20mph to 8mph. I replaced the batteries, charged them overnight and drove it with no change in the new 'top speed'.

    Please submit any advice you may have. I will be rechecking all the cables to ensure they aren't breaking, but nothing struck me when I was removing/reinstalling the battery.

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    your speed sensor is bad Key on, in forward, push forward and you should feel resistance if not speed sensors bad


    • #3
      I just checked and it does have resistance when I try moving it fwd when in fwd.

      I'm a little at a loss as to where to look. It ran at 19-20 mph for a week and then 20 mins into a drive it felt like it was limited at 8-9mph. Fully charged, replaced, and fully charged those batteries and no change. My initial pickup is still strong, but it gets reigned back quickly.

      Any suggestions? Thanks for any help.


      • #4
        I still think its speed sensor, and an off chance the controller is overheating
        also it should roll freely for about 3 ft then try to slow
        Updated by gaminde; June 24, 2013, 01:53 PM.


        • #5
          How do I troubleshoot and repair?


          • #6
            Posted earlier by Engdahl83
            How do I troubleshoot and repair?
            on the schematic there is a 16 pin connector pins 13,14,15 are your speed sensor wires, put your volt meter on the black (-) and green (+) set on 10 volts and with key on in fwd push cart slowly see if meter reads 5vdc then 0vdc over and over
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            • #7
              Thanks for your help. It was the speed sensor.


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