1999 workhorse won't run


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  • 1999 workhorse won't run

    I recently purchased an EZGO Workhorse. Used it most of the day cleaning up the yard. I stopped for about 30 minutes or so and when I went to use it again I choked it, pressed the gas and nothing! It will turn over but won't fire up and go. Tired it twice more and it went with no problem but after about an hour or so it did it again. Now it won't restart at all. I have changed the plugs and they are firing, checked to fuel pump and its pumping. What next?

  • #2
    its starting to sound heat related, igniter
    Updated by gaminde; May 25, 2013, 10:15 PM.


    • #3
      Where is that located and can it be picked up at the local parts house?


      • #4
        Also what would cause it to go out? The person I bought it from said they just replaced it


        • #5
          Jason if you have fuel and you have spark and the engines turns over then it will run so one of the three is missing. just maybe once it's warm you don't need to choke it maybe it's being flooded. if all of what you said is true then the carburetor is suspect.


          • #6
            Someone told me I was choking it too much and might have fouled the plugs and that's why I replaced them. The reason I was choking it was because it would not go even after all day using it I would still have to choke it for it to go. Could that still be the carb? and thanks for the advise hate to be bothersome.


            • #7
              Ok my problem was with the battery. Does anyone know what size the battery is supposed to be? I think mine is too small.


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