Newbie with speed sensor issue


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  • Newbie with speed sensor issue

    At least I think it is. It didn't change anything when I disconnected the speed sensor. It is slow in forward and has no power in reverse will barely back up the slightest incline. It is a 48v club car, not sure of the year. There is a note on the bottom of the sear that the batteries were replaced in 2006 and I just replaced them again so I would guess it is a 2000ish. I took out the speed sensor, but I can't find any through google or bing searches that look like it. Would the instructions for replacing the hall effect device be the same for this one?

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  • #2
    I don't believe that's your problem, need to check your cart and see if it's a IQ unit, take a picture of the controller. And you're absolutely right that is an oddball how does it mount. What kind of forward reverse switch do you have.
    Updated by gaminde; August 14, 2012, 01:04 AM.


    • #3
      We will be back down there this weekend and I can take a picture of the controller. What does the controller look like? It has a rocker switch in the middle just below the seat. It has the split seat backs as well. I will take several picks I can post and try to borrow some internet and maybe post while we are there. It fits in the end of the motor on the passenger side and has a metal plate that covers it. The notch on the circuit board only allows it to seat completely one way. I took it by a cart shop near hear and he didn't have any and had only remembered seeing one long ago and didn't remember what it was from. He said maybe the motor had been replaced at some point.


      • #4
        On my site in my signature there is a button on the left for controller it is a video give it time to load and that's what an iq controller looks like.


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