South Carolina


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  • South Carolina

    We are having a fun ride in Winnsboro SC on March 23,24,25 for anyone who want's to come. This is a off road park for ATV, motor cycles 4 wheeliers. golf carts.
    Here is the link for them. If you interested in coming just tell them your part of the golf cart riders. Use my name Andy Fisher to get discount passes and RV sites.
    This will be the first of the year and a second later on in the summer I hope.

  • #2
    Posted earlier by andy4639
    We are having a fun ride in Winnsboro SC on March 23,24,25 for anyone who want's to come. This is a off road park for ATV, motor cycles 4 wheeliers. golf carts.
    Here is the link for them. If you interested in coming just tell them your part of the golf cart riders. Use my name Andy Fisher to get discount passes and RV sites.
    This will be the first of the year and a second later on in the summer I hope.
    That sounds like fun. Id do it if I could but Im near Cleveland and not sure what my work schedule is. We all need another bonanza type event.


    • #3
      You guys always have a good time at these events and I only wish I could attend.
      I hope you get a good turnout and have another great time!


      • #4
        Thanks guy's.
        This is just going to be a weekend ride on the trails.
        We had the event last year and had a great time. Drag racing sled pulling and night time trail riding. Had some great sponsors and very nice door prizes to! Cooked super for everyone on Saturday and hope we do it again later this summer.
        I hope to be able to do it again!

        I miss the Bonanza's!


        • #5
          Posted earlier by andy4639
          Thanks guy's.
          This is just going to be a weekend ride on the trails.
          We had the event last year and had a great time. Drag racing sled pulling and night time trail riding. Had some great sponsors and very nice door prizes to! Cooked super for everyone on Saturday and hope we do it again later this summer.
          I hope to be able to do it again!

          I miss the Bonanza's!
          Its nice to see another veteran cart guy on this forum Andy. Im looking forward to sseing more of your events and cart builds. I hope to make it to one of them someday.


          • #6
            I'm just try to stay on top of the cart stuff so I know what is going on. I just love messing with them. As far as the events go I like having a good time and want people to share it with. The last CAW was a blast and this one looks like it's going to be very fun to. I have a new cart to build for it and there are going to be some new faces with new carts are at least new power in them.


            • #7
              Posted earlier by andy4639
              I'm just try to stay on top of the cart stuff so I know what is going on. I just love messing with them. As far as the events go I like having a good time and want people to share it with. The last CAW was a blast and this one looks like it's going to be very fun to. I have a new cart to build for it and there are going to be some new faces with new carts are at least new power in them.
              Thats what its all about! Playing with golf carts and having fun.Thats all it should ever be about, but some of that got lost somewhere. Im happy that there are some cool people here who want to promote our hobby. Im going to make it to one of those events someday.


              • #8
                I hope some day we do meet! I look forward to it.
                If you ever need help I'm just a computer away.


                • #9
                  Ive been thinking about buiding an electric cart for some time. Riding in the woods and hearing hardly any noise is cool. My inlaws are electricians and Im a utility tradesmen for a school system and am familiar with the priciples of electricity. So things I need wont be a problem just finding a deal on a cart that needs new batteries. My one question is how long a full charge if your trailriding for a few hours?


                  • #10
                    Depending on the trails a good set of batteries will get you 20 or more miles. I put almost 35 miles on the green monster cart last June at the CAW that Saturday night. We rode at night mostly to but I have extra 12 volts for the extra's, lights radio and such.
                    Good batteries are for milage old batteries will work if you don't care about range.

                    I gave our neighbor a cart this past July with what I call worn out batteries and she is still riding it around the park.


                    • #11
                      Posted earlier by andy4639
                      Depending on the trails a good set of batteries will get you 20 or more miles. I put almost 35 miles on the green monster cart last June at the CAW that Saturday night. We rode at night mostly to but I have extra 12 volts for the extra's, lights radio and such.
                      Good batteries are for milage old batteries will work if you don't care about range.

                      I gave our neighbor a cart this past July with what I call worn out batteries and she is still riding it around the park.
                      Ok thats a start. Its got my interest going in new direction.


                      • #12
                        Posted earlier by ak47fan
                        Ok thats a start. Its got my interest going in new direction.
                        The cart will run for days on a charge depending on the terrain. My beach cart has done 3 days of riding to the beach and back only. That's about a 1 mile round trip a couple times a day with chairs cooler and 2 -4 passengers.

                        At the CAW last summer we rode them pretty good and climbed some nice hills and mud spots and had no battery problems. Broke a couple of carts but they were parts broke no battery issues!


                        • #13
                          Andy is correct about CAW being a blast. I have been there with many other guys and their carts including Andy. We always have a blast. trail riding a CAW will find any weak points your cart may have or make you want to do more to your cart. Besides trail riding, the fellowship is the best part. We all usually have at least one meal together. I have cooked oysters, low country boils and helped Andy cook burgers at the last sponsored ride. if you can make it, you will not regret it.


                          • #14
                            This is looking like it's going to be a good riding weekend. Already have about 15 carts coming.

                            That's the ones I know of. Hope we have more than this.


                            • #15
                              I thought I had a better pic. That one I think is from the first trip up.
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                              • #16
                                Brandon this is one picture we need to do in March! Maybe get a closer shot though!


                                • #17
                                  We went last march. It was a great time. My cart broke before we even hit the trails, but several of the guys there, helped me get it fixed, and the park let me use there welder. It really was a great time. Oh, and blake cooked up a GREAT meal (low country boil). Its such a long drive for us,we probly wont make it this year.


                                  • #18
                                    That rider picture is a little blurry are is me?

                                    Well I hope everyone will come and ride.


                                    • #19
                                      Sweet, I wish y'all were closer I don't have a trailer yet. I'm in Summerville, SC.


                                      • #20
                                        I want to go so bad. There are several "folks" I would love to share my words and thoughts with Ill try to keep myself in line. I want to make the one at thesis of summer. Anybody know if a certain person from southern California will make it? That is who I really want to "talk" to



                                        • #21
                                          Posted earlier by pixiedust
                                          Sweet, I wish y'all were closer I don't have a trailer yet. I'm in Summerville, SC.
                                          Beg,barrow, steal one. Heck throw it in the back of a truck will help you unload and load. You want want to miss this ride it's going to be fun I do believe!

                                          I want to go so bad. There are several "folks" I would love to share my words and thoughts with Ill try to keep myself in line. I want to make the one at thesis of summer. Anybody know if a certain person from southern California will make it? That is who I really want to "talk" to
                                          Be nice!
                                          But I do understand!


                                          • #22
                                            Posted earlier by andy4639
                                            That rider picture is a little blurry are is me?

                                            Well I hope everyone will come and ride.
                                            Clear as day for me, especially the group photo, looks like you need stronger glasses!

                                            Just kidding


                                            • #23
                                              Posted earlier by Matti
                                              Clear as day for me, especially the group photo, looks like you need stronger glasses!

                                              Just kidding
                                              Heck yea! Stronger glasses are drink?


                                              • #24
                                                I remember that first two carts in the pic.. Was a blast.. I have missed the last couple and will miss the next one... Not happy but have too much $$ tied up in the other event..

                                                B, remember this pic ?? I had beer coming out of my nose I was laughing so hard
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                                                03 E-Z-Go, DCX 400, currently 36vt, 4in, brush guard, 22in Saharas, 12in ITPs, Screaming Yellow, 30MPH :mrgreen: 99 Oasis converted to a MPT 1200, 4in lift, Silver Metallic Pink matching 12in ITP wheels, 08 MPT 1200 in progress, 05 Club Car DS Gasser


                                                • #25
                                                  I dont think thats the only time you had beer coming out your knose that weekend


                                                  • #26
                                                    Posted earlier by kgsc
                                                    I remember that first two carts in the pic.. Was a blast.. I have missed the last couple and will miss the next one... Not happy but have too much $$ tied up in the other event..

                                                    B, remember this pic ?? I had beer coming out of my nose I was laughing so hard
                                                    The pic was a bit small, I don't know where your beer was coming from, lol


                                                    • #27
                                                      Posted earlier by dougmcp
                                                      You guys always have a good time at these events and I only wish I could attend.
                                                      I hope you get a good turnout and have another great time!
                                                      Doug guess we will have to have an event maybe death valley July or august


                                                      • #28
                                                        Posted earlier by gaminde
                                                        Doug guess we will have to have an event maybe death valley July or august
                                                        Perfect, just when it starts to cool down to the low 120's in the daytime and the high 90's at night.


                                                        • #29
                                                          It was in the 90's there that Saturday with a high humidity also. It's always high around here though in the summer time!


                                                          • #30
                                                            I am new at this forum and with golf carts also, but this sounds like great fun. Is there any internet site where i can get more info. thanks


                                                            • #31
                                                              This is CAW's web site,


                                                              • #32
                                                                Posted earlier by berr
                                                                I am new at this forum and with golf carts also, but this sounds like great fun. Is there any internet site where i can get more info. thanks
                                                                The CAW is a great place to try out your cart if you want to see if it has what it takes to go off roading.
                                                                thanks for the link. They have a very nice place and the staff is great.


                                                                • #33
                                                                  I have a Mini Harley show planned for Saturday around noonish. My brother and some of his friends will be joining us for the afternoon.


                                                                  • #34
                                                                    kool, ive been wanting to put a HD engine in my cart
                                                                    Updated by blake80; March 6, 2012, 01:54 PM.


                                                                    • #35
                                                                      OK everyone we are loaded and ready to roll out in the morning!
                                                                      Going to be fun! If you don't make it it's your own fault! 100 miles of trails and a bunch of people who like golf carts going to be there!


                                                                      • #36
                                                                        First I want thank everyone who came and made this a trip to the CAW my daughter and me want forget for awhile!

                                                                        It was great getting to ride and enjoy the fellowship with everyone. My hat off to each of you for making it worth the trip!

                                                                        THANK YOU ALL

                                                                        Now where to begin...Oh yea, Andrea said all you 72 volt wimpy electric cart guy's can't touch her 48 volt PINKY cart that mad it up Mammoth hill on it's own power... by PLUM QUICK! Ha!!!!!
                                                                        She hasn't shut up since. :lhmo::lhmo::lhmo:

                                                                        Abby and her were so proud they were High 5ing each other after that and all with Maybe the dog on board shacking the whole time.

                                                                        I want to thank Plum Quick also for my 72 volt cart that made it up the mammoth hill on it's own power also! The motor Robby worked great thanks it never failed niether of them!!!!

                                                                        Ok enough about us.

                                                                        Hookm you werent the first to break but you were the first to use the tow service at the CAW that I know of. Well of the golf cart bunch anyway!

                                                                        Oh yea he call his wife to brag about breaking the dang cart while we waited on the tow. :lhmo::lhmo::lhmo:

                                                                        That was just to funny!!!!!

                                                                        Lock (Hookm grandson) we got wet comming back but we made it!
                                                                        With a little help!

                                                                        Hookm I don't know about the pot of goldand the other end but I know where there is a tent you can have.

                                                                        I'll post more after I do some more washing of carts and clothes.
                                                                        Thanks everybody it was a hoot.

                                                                        Kevin nice meeting you and your welcome for the parts.

                                                                        Turn that horn down man your scaring the animals!


                                                                        • #37
                                                                          Great turnout it looks! Nice carts and nice bunch of people! Thanks for sharing!!!


                                                                          • #38

                                                                            We had a blast! Coming again in June are July! Need to get some stickers and get you down here.

                                                                            We ended up with 15 carts total!
                                                                            Updated by andy4639; March 26, 2012, 12:36 PM.


                                                                            • #39
                                                                              I had a blast again myself, made some more good friends. Andy, thank you for housing me. Im working on power for next trip


                                                                              • #40
                                                                                I got mine dirty. Anybody wana wash it for me
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                                                                                • #41
                                                                                  Brandon anytime man! You are welcome any time. Thanks for leading and cooking!


                                                                                  • #42
                                                                                    All my pleasure. My I can do some special cooking for the next time


                                                                                    • #43
                                                                                      2012 Summer CAW Golf Cart Nationals

                                                                                      If you haven't been to the CAW in Winnsboro SC stay tuned for the big one in late June are middle of July as soon as we finalize the dates!

                                                                                      Get those carts ready for a 2 day event of riding and fellowshiping.

                                                                                      It's the most fun you can have on a Golf Cart.

                                                                                      Everyone one is welcome and strongly encourage family to come for the riding and fellowship. Any type of vehicle is welcome for the trail riding. Bikes 4 wheelier's whatever!


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