Done with this!


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  • Done with this!

    Well for now anyway!

    I got the winch all painted wired and mounted yesterday.

  • #2
    Love it!


    • #3
      It will be nice knowing I can go ride now and don't have to have someone else with me. I can get out of about any kind of cart problem with the winch I hope.


      • #4
        I agree and the integration looks flawless


        • #5
          Posted earlier by andy4639
          Well for now anyway!

          I got the winch all painted wired and mounted yesterday.

          looks good Andy, I mounted one on my cart to awhile back. Its already gotten used several times and its a back saver.


          • #6
            Cool looking cart! But, you guys need to explain something that I just don't get...why not just buy an ATV, wouldn't you end up with a far more dependable and better performing off road machine? Or is it that you just want to build something yourself? Great job, though! I just always thought these lifted carts were just for show.


            • #7
              For show! Where you been the last 10 years? I use mine for off roading. It's way better on a cart than any 4 wheelier in my opinion anyway. We have a blast riding out in the woods, mud and water. Night time riding is the best though!

              You need to checkout the video's I have on you tube. "andy4639"


              • #8
                [QUOTE=UberDan;11920]Cool looking cart! But, you guys need to explain something that I just don't get...why not just buy an ATV, wouldn't you end up with a far more dependable and better performing off road machine? Or is it that you just want to build something yourself? Great job, though! I just always thought these lifted carts were just for show.[/QUOT

                WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need to come wheelin and Ill show you how these carts do off road. Side by sides are too priceyfor the use Id get out of one. Secondly my wife goes with me in comfort and we dont have to buy 2 quads. Besides her and I have been there and done that with quads and carts are way cooler. There are no rules written in stone in my book. When we're done with them, there pretty much improved over stock.


                • #9
                  OK!!! just asking! Don't think those things would get anywhere in the mountains I'm used to. I'm from Colorado and now live in Arizona, where golf carts are used for...GOLFING!


                  • #10
                    Will they last as long as a gas cart are 4 wheelier No!

                    I will ride 30 miles on a charge thoe. That was last trip to the CAW off road rally we did.
                    I climbed a hill that only 2 electric's made it to the top one gas cart made it and 1 gas had to use the low line to the top. Both electrics that made it I built. Mine and my daughter's!


                    • #11
                      looks good Andy


                      • #12
                        Posted earlier by UberDan
                        OK!!! just asking! Don't think those things would get anywhere in the mountains I'm used to. I'm from Colorado and now live in Arizona, where golf carts are used for...GOLFING!
                        everything has its limitations and it comes down to exactly what you are using it for. I dont like mud so Im not going to use it for that, it doesnt have a roll cage so Im not going up anything too extreme but for trails, decent hills, streams and such, it works great. Around me no one seems to gripe about golf carts but dirt bikes and quads will bring out the complainers. Like Andy said,check out his videos. Problem with quads are they are all the same, every cart is a creation of its individual owner showing some great talents.
                        Updated by ak47fan; May 17, 2012, 09:32 AM.


                        • #13
                          Posted earlier by dwon5
                          looks good Andy
                          Thanks, where u been haven't seen u of late. Haven't recieved any tickets yet.


                          • #14
                            This cart looks freaking amazing! I was wondering how well those speedometers worked on a cart. I like the look and features, but wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to mess with. I'm going to use an ipad with speedometer app, but would love a more permanent gauge.

                            Posted earlier by UberDan
                            OK!!! just asking! Don't think those things would get anywhere in the mountains I'm used to. I'm from Colorado and now live in Arizona, where golf carts are used for...GOLFING!
                            Golf carts for golfing? Where's the fun in that? It's like the question of why do all this to a cart, why not just get an ATV? I've always specialized in working with things that "shouldn't be", and I've heard "WHY?!?" very often. My answer has always been the same. And it's the same answer to these questions; "Because I can".
                            If at first you don't succeed, scrap everything, burn the r&d center to the ground, then file and insurance claim stating you did succeed.


                            • #15
                              That is one awesome cart!!!


                              • #16
                                Thanks guy,

                                That's why I like showing people what can be done with some good old southern redneck engineering!
                                Yea these aren't as fancy as a side by side and I will be the first to say I would love to have one, but money is the main reason I don't!
                                I just like seeing what I can make it do.


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