Daddy got a new pair O shoes!!!


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  • Daddy got a new pair O shoes!!!

    The "NASCART" it getting yellow lettered tires on black, painted rims.....

    I'll get some pics up after the weekend, and maybe a clip.

    And then this guy, (me) leaves the dad gum camera out at the camper.

    I only have one photo taken from my phone at night.
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    Updated by timflury; May 7, 2012, 08:42 AM.

  • #2


    • #3
      Cant wait!!


      • #4
        Let's see em!


        • #5
          I added pics here too to put the thread back on top.
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          • #6
            Thats pretty dang cool man.


            • #7
              I'm planning on adding some "Roll bar padding" aka, pipe insulation here soon to give it a race car look. Some on the seat rails, and on the canopy uprights, and anywhere else I can cut and fit some.


              • #8
                I was going to use the kids pool noodles for mine. Get em at wal mart cheep and in differant colors.


                • #9
                  Tim are you ashamed of your cart ?? how about a picture with the lights on. Im too old for this I can't even have sex with the lights out any more.


                  • #10
                    We'll see if I can whip up some photos this weekend.


                    • #11
                      For your viewing pleasure, daylight photos.
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                      • #12
                        Now that's more like it!


                        • #13
                          That is awesome, I'm thinking rebuild this winter..... or new build????


                          • #14
                            That's a 1989 DS. It was Buff when we bought it.

                            All the work is simply paint, and new batteries.

                            An update,,, The paint on the top is peeling off because of the material the top is made of, and rainwater. I would like an 80" top, but that's a luxury item that may get done in the future.


                            • #15

                              I'm making plans for upgrades/repairs for season three.

                              I'll be looking for SOMETHING to recoat the top that won't peel away and stand up to the rain water. Suggestions here are appreciated. I would prep the top by sanding it bare and seriously scratching it up with some 50 grit sandpaper

                              I will also entertain suggestions for the yellow lettering on the tires that will last longer than yellow Sharpie brand paint pen. I'm thinking maybe the "old school" ball point paint pen.

                              When the work starts, after the snow melts, be on the lookout for photos!!


                              • #16
                                painting plastic! goto 1 of the auto body shops see what they use for primer and paint on all of the new plastic bumpers


                                • #17
                                  Is it plastic, or Mylar?

                                  The nose of my cart is mylar, the body fiberglass. I used the same primer/hardener, color/catalyst, and clearcoat/hardener on all three pieces.

                                  The top started peeling in the drip rails. There's also a lot of flexing going on up there, 'specially on the rough campground roads.

                                  Even plastic bumpers peel and crack.

                                  I'm considering slapping on a coat of Herculiner.


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