86 Club Car DS 36V


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  • 86 Club Car DS 36V

    This cart was pretty much stock when I got it. I'll use it at the lake to help with lawn work and carry folks back and forth to the dock/ramp.
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  • #2
    you plan on leaving it stock or are you gona put a seat and other things on it


    • #3
      Let's see what you can do with it!!!


      • #4
        Yes, eventually a lift kit and rear seat. I think I'll leave it a resistor cart to save a little money. Started with tires that hold air, new batteries and new seats. Now I've got the front cowl off and fiberglassing some damaged areas. Next will be new shocks, heavy-duty springs, heavy-duty F/R switch, power cables and fixing some modified wiring. Someone had wired around the reverse buzzer and charging fuse. These mods will make it a reliable work vehicle for now until I can save up for the lift, tires/wheels and rear seat.


        • #5
          Ahh and thats how we get hooked right there !! Dang ol imagination gets the best of you. Go for it bud !!


          • #6
            Oh and a light kit, windsheild, voltage reducer and rearview mirror. Dang, I'm gonna need a part-time job!
            You're right Krustybucket, my imagination has gone wild. Folks are beginning to wonder!


            • #7
              Dont worry about it, when its all done, they will understand !! Just ask my wife !! HA


              • #8
                Got a floor jack. American made.
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                • #9
                  Took off the top. Had to to cut a doggone access panel in the back. Took off the front cowl. Fiberglassing some damaged areas. New steering bellows and shocks. All cleaned up and lubed.
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                  • #10
                    Took off the rear body next. Years of dirt! Cleaned it up, replaced rear shocks with extensions, replaced springs with heavy-duty, replaced all bushings. New rear suspension! Whew!
                    By the way, will need to drain and refill differential. Does anyone know how to do that? Drain at bottom, fill at top to middle bolt hole?
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                    • #11
                      Lookin good Phil.

                      Ain't it amazing how much dust and dirt accumulates under the bodies???


                      • #12
                        Thanks Tim. Here are the pics of the new rear suspension. Figured out the differential lube. Does anyone know what that vent on top of the differential is for?
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                        • #13
                          New Power and battery cables came in today. I'll work on those this weekend along with installing the heavy duty F/R switch. Hope it runs after I'm done!


                          • #14
                            Differentials are typically vented. As the oil heats up, it expands. Without venting, the expanded oil will pump it's way past seals.


                            • #15
                              OK. That makes sense. Thanks!


                              • #16
                                I should film an episode of "This Old Cart". Aaarrrggghhh! While replacing power cables, one of the plastic square post retainers in the motor broke. Since it broke because the threads on the post are corroded (and permanently connected to the brushes), I have to replace the brushes AND all the posts washers/retainers. What a pain. Has anyone had to replace brushes in a motor?
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                                • #17
                                  New brushes, new bolt retainers and washers. Motor back together and charging. I can't finalize the wiring because I broke a bolt on the F/R switch and I'll have to ez-out it or drill and tap. damn. I overtightened. My fault. But most wiring is new and the fact it's charging is a good sign. Slapped some duct tape on a hole and crack in the glove box.

                                  I had a choice when the motor brush studs broke to buy repair parts at $117 or new motor for around $550.....
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                                  • #18
                                    looking good so far
                                    IF WE CAN'T HELP OTHERS THEN WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE WE


                                    • #19
                                      Thanks dwon5. Have you ever removed a motor? I'm having trouble getting it off the differential shaft. Been on there too long, rusted probably. I don't want to destroy it getting it off.....


                                      • #20
                                        I pulled the one out of the Caroche I built for make a wish and sent it down to plum quick to rebuild and tweak. I used a 1 1/4 very sharp wood chisel to carefully brake it loose. It does sit on 2 positioning pins in the diff housing that it sits on. the motor was never removed from the cart since it was installed back in '76
                                        Updated by dwon5; April 28, 2012, 01:39 PM.
                                        IF WE CAN'T HELP OTHERS THEN WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE WE


                                        • #21
                                          The motor came loose for me with a little tapping and a large flat screwdriver. But it was just the outer case that came loose! Left the armature and winding still on the spined shaft.


                                          • #22
                                            I got it. Didn't get the armature off but I put everything back together and found a tool to reset the brushes. It works!!


                                            • #23
                                              Body work getting wrapped up. Rough sand and paint job on front only for now. Cut holes for lights and fitted them. Starting to finalize lights wiring and have to find a place to mount the light switch relay. Probably between the F/R switch and voltage reducer. Will the voltage reducer be a drain on the batteries with the lights switched off? Should I run it through the key switch (mine is missing the key switch, I use a toggle)?

                                              New F/R Switch, charger receptacle, voltage reducer. I need to get the body bolted back on and zip tie excess wiring. I should be good to go and I can see if heavier cable gives me any more speed too.
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                                              • #24
                                                more pics
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                                                • #25
                                                  The cart came together just before Memorial Day. I took it up to Keystone lake and left it with the fiance's family at a campground. They proofed it pretty good and everything worked fine. I need to put the top back on and it will look pretty much like it did when I started.
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                                                  • #26
                                                    All new electrical components except for motor, solenoinds and resistors. Pics show new charge receptacle (new fuse is there but not wired yet), new F/R swithch, voltage reducer and the small black box is the light swith relay.
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                                                    • #27
                                                      Think I may need to align the front end. This cart was used and abused pretty good before I got it. It looks like the front sping is offset a little and the right shock rubs the cowl. Does anyone know how to align these carts?

                                                      Also had to replace all of the rear wheel well plastic bolt spacers. I overtightened again and being that they were 26 years old they cracked and fell apart. Had to get a piece of pex pipe from Lowe's to fabricate new ones.
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                                                      • #28
                                                        Motor-wise it's running great. The heavy duty F/R switch and 4 ga battery and power cables really helped. Speed is better. Around 15 mph and torque and quickness are drastically improved. The headlights and taillights are great. No dimming at all since they're connected to the reducer.

                                                        The heavy duty springs and new shocks give it a pretty stiff ride but still comfortable. I'm saving up for the rear seat and hitch. Those items will put more weight in the rear and smooth out the ride a little (I hope!).


                                                        • #29
                                                          Nice job on the cart. Just be carefull where you park it during the dry weather. Those coils will get cherry red hot and set the cart on fire if parked on paper are tall dry grass.
                                                          To align the front end take one side of the tie rod loose. Get the steering wheel center and then make the wheels even with just a slight toe in on the front of the tires.


                                                          • #30
                                                            Thanks Andy. You're right and I think the camber has to be adjusted too. I have an 86 gas service manual now that describes that. It's the same for an electric cart. Just can't find the time right now to keep working on it!
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                                                            • #31
                                                              Found my next project on Craigs List. Paid $60 for it. I'll clean it up and paint it. Then I'll need a hitch for the cart.
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                                                              • #32
                                                                Thinking now the front spring is not OEM. Or even a golf cart spring. Can't seem to move it even when all bolts are loose. May have to break down and buy a CC heavy duty front spring to get it aligned.
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                                                                • #33
                                                                  Lawn cart primered and first coat of black paint.

                                                                  Also installed a new key switch and state of charge meter. New front spring with bushings, rear seat kit and hitch on order.
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                                                                  • #34
                                                                    Installed new front spring and bushings. Dang bushings didn't want to fit at first. I had to put them in the freezer overnight and got them pounded in finally. Also installed the reverse buzzer and charger fuse. All wiring is back to original design.
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                                                                    • #35
                                                                      Finished for now. Everything's working good.
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                                                                      • #36
                                                                        Looks good!


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