91' Yamaha G9 - Lifted, Rhino Lined


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  • 91' Yamaha G9 - Lifted, Rhino Lined

    I bought this off a guy from Craigslist.

    he took it apart and Rhino Lined each piece. It's jacked up and came with 4 wheeler tires. Included with Racing parts. Intake / CDI

    Govenor is slightly active, but allows for some good speed.

    Gas powered.
    Attached Files:
    Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum

  • #2
    Congrats on the new cart and thanks for posting the photo!
    I'm sure you'll have some fun with it.
    Do you have any other plans for it?
    BTW, Welcome to the forum!


    • #3
      Posted earlier by dougmcp
      Congrats on the new cart and thanks for posting the photo!
      I'm sure you'll have some fun with it.
      Do you have any other plans for it?
      BTW, Welcome to the forum!
      Yeah, this bad boy just gout outfitted with a hitch, now the trailer that it comes in on doubles as a cary trailer... I hauled 11 full coolers and everyone's gear at this music festival (Memorial Day weekend )

      I easily manuvered through 3" of mud throughout the entire camp ground.


      • #4
        ps.) any chance to add a Golf Cart - Modificatios section?

        it's the whole reason i'm here. I have some high level questions for modifications I would liek to add....


        • #5
          Posted earlier by K YoH
          ps.) any chance to add a Golf Cart - Modificatios section?

          it's the whole reason i'm here. I have some high level questions for modifications I would liek to add....
          There's always a chance of new sections if the consensus is to have it.
          I'm not a real strong gas cart guy but I'm pretty strong in running gear and electronics.
          I've seen lots of mods in my day to both gas and electric carts, what mods would you like to do to your cart?
          More speed? More torque? Accessories?
          Updated by dougmcp; June 7, 2011, 02:31 PM.


          • #6
            Posted earlier by dougmcp
            There's always a chance of new sections if the consensus is to have it.
            I'm not a real strong gas cart guy but I'm pretty strong in running gear and electronics.
            I've seen lots of mods in my day to both gas and electric carts, what mods would you like to do to your cart?
            More speed? More torque? Accessories?


            I want to add a custom dash with stereo. Complete with a seperate battery.
            However I would like the stator on the cart to charge both batteries.

            I don't want the radio battery to have any impact on the golf cart battery.


            • #7
              Welcome to GCF K yoh.

              A radio uses next to nothing in power, if you hook it up to the your current battery the generator will have no problem keeping your cart charged. The stock generator does not put out enough charge to keep 2 batteries charged unfortunately.


              • #8
                Posted earlier by K YoH
                ps.) any chance to add a Golf Cart - Modificatios section?

                it's the whole reason i'm here. I have some high level questions for modifications I would liek to add....
                I like that, and I will think about it.


                • #9
                  Not to burst your bubble, but I am coming from a Cooler Radio building website... We can kill a car battery in a matter of 6 hrs. with the equipment available.

                  I am however going to take your advice and just hook it up to a switch.
                  this will give me more room in the dash for pockets anyway.

                  Rock on Ya'll... I'll get more pics of my cart on here with the trailer hooked up and I am going to touch up the rino liner.


                  • #10
                    Posted earlier by K YoH
                    Not to burst your bubble, but I am coming from a Cooler Radio building website... We can kill a car battery in a matter of 6 hrs. with the equipment available.

                    I am however going to take your advice and just hook it up to a switch.
                    this will give me more room in the dash for pockets anyway.

                    Rock on Ya'll... I'll get more pics of my cart on here with the trailer hooked up and I am going to touch up the rino liner.
                    I should have known. No granny sound systems here. If you cant find a spot to put the extra battery you may find a liking to put it right under the shift lever, and you can fabricate a metal box for it, diamond plate possibly. And just run the wires through the firewall. Or you can put it in the golf club compartment in the back and again run the wires through the body.


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