My son gave me 5 deep cell cart batterys like new. I need to store them til i get....or should i say find! reasonable priced cart. I do know much about regular batterys blowing up from spark . i have them on wood right now Question i guess is .these are sealed top batterys NO VENTs i can see..................Help me out here if you can i'd be grateful bob s here or email
Battery storage??
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Posted earlier by gamindemost likely not golf cart batteries and if sealed no blowe upee
Not cart batterys??????What else could they be , they are plenty heavy and deep cell, so i am told by my son...maybe he doesn't know . bob s noee blowee upee would be great. bob s
thanks for the repyl!!Updated by bsa_bob; July 28, 2013, 03:07 PM.
Posted earlier by gamindeIm thinking they might be deep cycle something maybe even gel or marine.
And noee blowee upee is always good when there under you ass
blow up?? no i don't think much would happen ...enclosed in the steel body shell aaayy?
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