Need cart mechanic in N.J.


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  • Need cart mechanic in N.J.

    I'm looking for a cart tech in N.J.
    I don't want to go to dealer because I know I will get "mugged"

    I am having an issue with a newly purchased 2004 Club Car DS electric with IQ system

    I installed 6 new 8v batteries(switch in "tow" position) and when switch is moved to "run" position cart buzzes as if it is in reverse. Key is off also. Cart doesn't move when accel pedal is depressed, but did get a spark from solenoid area when pedal was depressed. Resistor wire got very hot when it sparked.

    Is solenoid fried? What happened?

    Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.

    I'm no mechanic by any stretch of the imagination so hiring a PRO is more logical to me.
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    Updated by Jedi; June 18, 2013, 11:15 AM.

  • #2
    I would buzz also if I looked that dirty (you need some orbit)

    I have a feeling the batteries are installed backwards ???
    if so controller is bad.


    • #3
      That looks like salt water damage, not good. Does the rest of the electrics look that bad?
      Updated by Larry1950; June 18, 2013, 04:33 PM.


      • #4
        good call larry

        Is this a NJ flood victim ????


        • #5
          Sure would explain why there was no charger and toasted batteries. If its salt water that ain't all of the damage. I sure would be talking to the guy that sold it.
          Updated by Larry1950; June 18, 2013, 04:39 PM.


          • #6
            Larry; Actually the cart is rather clean. It has been sitting unused for quite some time.
            No flood damage either.

            Gaminde, I followed the schematic to the "t" as far as battery installation went.
            I was told that the spark might be attributed to the fact that there was no screw holding the wires on the positive side of the solenoid when I pressed accel pedal.

            Another cart mechanic emailed me and said to start by troubleshooting the controller and replace the solenoid and resistor then clean up all of the corrosion around all of the electrical connections.

            I'll start there and see what happens.
            Updated by Jedi; June 18, 2013, 04:43 PM.


            • #7
              I sure hope it works out. Its pretty sure the solenoid got wet with that kind of corrision


              • #8
                Ok you understand the value of the tow run switch, when you had the batteries connected and the wire was loose at the solenoid that is just like not using the tow run switch so you may have damaged the controller at this point. now the solenoid should be removed cleaned with baking soda rinsed off then wire brushed along with all connections and any other components that are the slightest bit dirty or corroded.

                If your controller is bad you can look on ebay for controllers or I can get it rebuilt for you @ around 160.00 with a 1 year warranty.

                but take apart all cables and clean them first.


                • #9
                  Thanks guys. All of your experience is really easing my anxieties.

                  Gaminde; I didn't realize the nut was missing on the solenoid until after I had replaced the batteries and battery cables and attempted to get the cart to move.
                  After the spark is when I looked under the plastic flap and saw the corrosion and missing nut at the solenoid.

                  I am going to replace the solenoid, resistor and diode and do a test on the controller to see if I have any luck.
                  The Club Car service manual has a supplement for electric IQ carts that tells you how to troubleshoot some issues if you don't have an IQDM.

                  I'll keep you posted on how I make out. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


                  • #10
                    Posted earlier by Larry1950
                    I sure hope it works out. Its pretty sure the solenoid got wet with that kind of corrision
                    Solenoid and resistor were bad, waiting for new ones to arrive. Will keep you posted.


                    • #11
                      Jedi keep up the good work and we will start sending people to you to fix there carts
                      you will be the go to man in NJ


                      • #12
                        Gaminde, If you want to have a wanted poster out for you after referring people to me for their cart fixes go right ahead.


                        • #13
                          Posted earlier by Jedi
                          Gaminde, If you want to have a wanted poster out for you after referring people to me for their cart fixes go right ahead.

                          SOOO what was your address ?


                          • #14
                            1313 Break Down Ln


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